
Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing


We are experts in leveraging features of social marketing to build brand awareness for your company. We leverage interactive marketing platforms such as blogs, social networks, social bookmarking, video/picture sharing and review/testimonial directories. That is all well and good. But it's got to be fun-interesting-worth sharing. Stop what you are doing and have an original thought about what you want to do to get noticed.


Get smart about your clients/industry:



We help you understand the social media and we work together to narrow down to the networks that are most relevant to your business. The following are outcomes that we expect from your social media strategy:

Facebook Business Marketing Services

Facebook is a largely self-service advertising platform, which means that small businesses have ample opportunity to create unstructured campaigns that do not have the best possible ROI, and in many cases do not have internal staff to help optimize.

Make a Business or Fan Page on Facebook

If you aren't intimately familiar with the platform yourself, hire someone to get you set up. Have them take you through various different segments to target, and get their feedback on images, copy and landing pages to test out. Work with them to set up a system for monitoring which campaigns are most successful as you mix and match different creative and targeting. If you want to see results from Facebook advertising, you'll have to make it work for you; this not only takes hours of work but some knowledge of the platform.

Three Lakes Marketing Social Media

The Social Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. are about networking with potential customers and their friends to find opportunity. How do you get someone to become a fan or follow you or want to get your updates on weekly deals? You have to categorize your social page properly and be consistent in your branding to start. Then you need compelling, valuable or relevent content (interesting pictures, videos, games, coupons, contests) to make the person want to become a fan or follow you. As a small business, your goal is 500 fans. Relax, we'll take care of it.

Social Media Management

It takes lots of time, creativity and dilligence to manage social media.

For a social maintenance program to work, the person doing it has to care. Ultimately this should be you or someone on your staff. However, many start-ups or small businesses don't have the time because they are wearing production, sales and customer service hats. That's where we come in.

We don't like to enter into social media until the website and SEO is complete. If we are going to drive people to you, you better be ready or at least look ready. The idea is they are going to hear about you and maybe even click on your "share" or "mesage" or "like" or "content" on social media. But maybe they just had exposure. Enough exposure to Google your company or product. Well, you better get found easy or you just wasted your time and money.


-Think about a video, picture, clever joke or saying, game or something that is worthy of sharing on Social Media. Imagine sharing that with other similar customer types you find within Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter. You get one shot. So, everything that is linked better work.

-Look for your competitors on Google, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and Yelp.

-Go to the bottom of this website and download the 10 Questions. Answer them.

Google Analytics, Reporting

We load Google Analytics onto every site we work with if it isn't already there. Before we start working, we like to take a benchmark of where your traffic is coming from and assess the quality. After we complete the project we build a custom dashboard report you will receive monthly. We use this to touchbase and make adjustments.

The reports in Google is all there. But, frankly, it is alot. And, you clear away all the data and ask yourself what is the most important measure of success to my business?

We've been working with clients virtually across the United States (Austin, Texas; Chicago, Illinois; Tampa, Florida and New York) since 1994. If you are looking for social media marketing services including Facebook application development, contact us or call us at (888) 842-0292.